Category Archives: Quilting

Charm-pack purse

While traveling in northern Minnesota this spring I purchased a charm-pack filled with purple, green, and brown fabric squares. My momma’s favorite color is purple so I figured I would make something for her from it. She had asked a number of times for a new purse so I decided to use the charm-pack and make a purse from it. I cut the blocks down to 4 1/2 inches arranged them how I’d like them for a purse. I was only 3 blocks short for the entire purse so only part of the lining is made from my fabric stash – the rest of the quilt (including the handles which used four squares each) was made from the charm-pack.


The Charm-pack I purchased


The lay out of the charm squares for the purse.


The finished purse


The other side of the finished purse

Spring Projects

Over the spring and summer I worked on a few small projects. I also long-armed a double-bed quilt, and worked on a donation projects (neither one are pictured) besides these few projects.


George Washington doll quilt I made for a friend.


Horse Quilt top I helped my momma finish. We both worked on piecing it.


Roy Rogers throw pillow that I made for a friend.



Irish Chain

This Irish Chain quilt was made from 1860’s Reproduction fabrics for my sister-in-law for her birthday. I used Eleanor Burns book, Irish Chain in a Day, for a pattern. I made the top from start to finished on January 16, 2015. I finished hand quilting the top the second to last week of April, 2015.


Hot Air Balloon Quilt

This was made as a gift for my cousin’s little girl. When talking to my cousins wife about what she had in mind for her baby she mentioned hot air balloon. I recalled that my grandmother had some fabric that she was going to use to make a hot air balloon quilt so I used it. I wasn’t sure what pattern my grandma was planning on using, and I couldn’t find one that suited my taste, so I decided to try my hand at designing my own paper-pieced block. This is the result of my first self-designed paper-pieced quilt project.


First Concept Drawing

Draft 2

Draft 2

The final design and first block.

The final design and first block.

The finished quilt. Machine Quilted on my embroidery machine. Quilt Completely on

The finished quilt. Machine Quilted on my embroidery machine. Quilt Completely on May 9, 2015

Because Twix always wants to be in the picture.

Because Twix always wants to be in the picture.

1860’s Doll, Clothes, and Quilt




I have a little friend that I got to know reenacting the War Between the States and decided to make her a new little friend to play with at reenactments. The doll was named Rebecca and here are a few pictures of her and her things. The doll, thankfully, ended up being the correct size to fit into most 18″ doll clothes so dresses are very easy to find and make for her. Here are the pictures.

Project finished in March, 2015.



Her hair is made from wool yarn, her eyes are made from reproduction buttons – purchased from James Country Mercantile – her body his Muslin, and her dress is an 1860’s production cotton.


Another one of her dresses made from 1860’s production cotton. I used snaps on the back and arms of the dress despite their inaccuracy for the time period. I wanted something easy – so I used snaps.


The back of her crocheted shawl


The front of her shawl – hopefully it will keep her warm on those cool nights reenacting.


Her quilt. Made from all my reproduction fabric scraps. The blocks were cut at 1 1/2″ squares and finished at 1″. Hand-quilted the layers together.


The doll on her quilt.


I made her one more dress after she had left my possession – so Elsie had to model the last dress. Made from reproduction cottons.



Decorating the Library

After my brothers got married I turned their old bedroom into a library. I get a love seat from a friend (she said her and her husband bought it in about 1982) and tried to make somewhat coordinating pillows and a quilt for it. Here are the pictures.

Pillow Number one for my love seat. Personal Design.

Pillow Number one for my love seat. Personal Design.

Second Pillow I made for my love seat. Nine-Patch Granny Square Pillow. Personal Design. I made both pillows to look like something grandma might have made.

Second Pillow I made for my love seat. Nine-Patch Granny Square Pillow. Personal Design. I made both pillows to look like something grandma might have made.

Quilt top made from 1930's reproduction fabric. Backed with Polar Fleece. Tied.

Quilt top made from 1930’s reproduction fabric. Backed with Polar Fleece. Tied.

Quilts from 2014

King size uneven nine patch quilt for my parents bedroom.

King size uneven nine patch quilt for my parents bedroom. Quilted by me on the neighbor’s long-arm. Finished in February 2014.

Birthday Gift. Finished in February 2014.

Table Runner. Birthday Gift. Finished in February 2014.


Table Runner. Gift for my mother. February 2014.

Table Runner. Gift for my mother. February 2014.

1930's Reproduction Quilt. I made the quilt top several years ago but finally finished hand quilting it in March, 2014.

1930’s Reproduction Quilt. I made the quilt top several years ago but finally finished hand quilting it in March, 2014.

Green Train Quilt. Personal pattern. Quilted on the long-arm.

Green Train Quilt. Personal pattern. Quilted on the long-arm.


Red Train Quilt. Personal pattern. Quilted on the long-arm.


Blue Train Quilt. Personal pattern. Quilted on the long-arm.

Made from "Irish Chain in a Day Book." 1860's production fabrics. Hand quilted.

Made from “Irish Chain in a Day Book.” 1860’s production fabrics. Hand quilted.

1860's production cottons. Log Cabin Baby Quilt. Personal Pattern used scraps. Hand Quilted.

1860’s production cottons. Log Cabin Baby Quilt. Personal Pattern used scraps. Hand Quilted.

Adventures in Paper Piecing Begin

One of the significant events my quilting adventure this year was learning to paper piece! I stumbled upon a garden quilt while looking through back issues of my grandma’s quilt magazines. It was for a wall hanging so I doubled the size of the pattern and my neighbor taught me to paper piece. So now let the paper piecing adventures begin!

The first three pieces.

The first three pieces.

More blocks sewn together!

More blocks sewn together!

An "oops" moment.

An “oops” moment.

All the lovely blocks starting to come together.

All the lovely blocks starting to come together.


The top!


All finished. Quilt on the long-arm.

Confederate Generals Quilt

Finished in August 2014.


I purchased this Confederate General’s panel at our local quilt club’s show in the spring of 2014 and quickly set into motion my plans to make a quilt top from it. The first step was to make a large star from the main fabrics.

Working on the blocks.

Working on the blocks.


When chain piecing doesn’t go well!

The Confederate Quilt on my neighbor's long-arm.

The Confederate Quilt on my neighbor’s long-arm.

Finished quilt project. My own quilt design finally completed.

Finished quilt project. My own quilt design finally completed.

What it looks like on my bed.

What it looks like on my bed.