18″ Doll Bed and Dresses

One of the many things I enjoy doing is sewing. There is a young girl as our church who has the American Girl doll named Kit, who is from the 1930’s. Her doll doesn’t have many clothes, so I thought I’d make her a few more – the dresses are made to look similar to the style of the 30’s, including the use of 30’s reproduction material. The Pattern I used (with a few minor adjustments because of the size of the doll) was Vogue number 7565.

Another item I made for my young friend was a bed. I found the idea at a fabric store. They had a pattern for sale to purchase, but Momma assured me I could make it fine with out a pattern. I used a clear plastic tub for the bed, so it doubles as a storage container. The dust ruffle is made out of 3, 6″ x 43″ strips of fabric. Sticky Velcro is what I used to keep the ruffle on the plastic bin. The quilt is made of 30, 4 1/2″ blocks of fabric. For the fitted sheet I measured the lid of the bin and added a few extra inches to case elastic in, and then cut the fabric to that size. I rounded all the corners before folding the the edge over to make a casing for the elastic. There is a small mattress (not pictured) made out of quilt batting and a scrap of white muslin that is underneath the fitted sheet. The flat sheet is measured to fit underneath the quilt, and the pillow is stuffed with left over quilt batting.


8 thoughts on “18″ Doll Bed and Dresses

  1. Elaine

    Hi Koleesa. I was searching the internet for info on Vogue Pattern 7565 to make dresses for an American Girl doll and came across your beautiful dresses. I have had so much trouble finding patterns that fit the dolls without having to make a lot of adjustments and wasting fabric. I hate to buy another pattern that turns out to be a problem. Do you remember if you had a lot of adjustments to make it fit the American Girl doll? It looks like it might just be the length, but I’m not sure. I was hoping to find comments or reviews on the internet about the pattern and how well it fit the dolls. Hopefully you can give me some insight. Thank you!!!

  2. Sher

    Do you know where I can purchase the pattern for the doll bed made with the plastic tub? Is there a website where it is available? Unlike you, I think I need a pattern. Thanks!

    1. MClare

      Good Luck on finding a pattern for the bed idea! I spent over 3 hours searching the web for even a picture before I found this site. If you look at the picture, it should help you visualize what to do. I am a visual learner so this now makes the idea easy. McCall has tons of patterns for the 18″ doll and if you watch for sales at JoAnn or Hancock Fabrics the patterns will go on sale for 99 cents or $1.99.

      Thank you for posting this for those of us who really need to see it in order to do it! 🙂

  3. Kristi

    I just saw the pattern at a fabric store in the twin cities. The pattern was $9.50 so I decided I could probably jusy wing it. Now I am think I am going to go back to the store and purchase one. The store is Mill End Textiles in Crystal, MN. Maybe you could call and purchase over the phone?

  4. MClare

    Thanks! That is some of my shopping territory! I will call them and see what they can tell me! Patterns or always good but now that I have seen a picture that helps too.

  5. Theresa

    Wish we had someone at our church as considerate as you. 🙂 My daughter got a AG doll for Christmas and a couple outfits but now as the seasons change she is asking for more. I hate to pay the AG prices but I am just learning on how to sew. So far I have just mended so of our older clothes. I love the bed idea too! What size box is this?


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